Text-enabling your office phone numbers is one of the best marketing moves a business can make. However, you’ll need to understand and follow the text messaging rules for acceptable use.

The telecommunications industry regulates business texting, particularly for marketing messages. Committed to eliminating or avoiding spam, the industry publishes separate regulations for all text messaging users. Furthermore, carriers require that all text messaging users comply with government and carrier rules.

As a general trend, the major carriers are opening up texting more broadly. The rules governing delivery rates and spam by type of number determine how you set up and maintain your business texting services, including MessagePro.

The MessagePro service assists users in managing their texting traffic and, above all, in avoiding problems. The MessagePro application automatically applies the following basic rules:

  • Recipients who reply “stop” or “opt-out” to a message will not receive further messages from that sender’s phone number.
  • MessagePro throttles broadcast messages so they do not exceed the industry’s permitted rate per applicable time period.
  • Most carriers restrict messages on a per minute, per hour, and per day basis
  • Rules are subject to change
  • Toll-Free and local numbers have different rules

Finally, avoid having your number blocked.  Follow these simple rules.

  • Send any message broadcast exceeding 50 or more per hour from a Toll-Free number.
  • Toll-Free numbers may send at the rate of 5 messages per second , or over 15,000 messages per hour with MessagePro
  • Heavy users of broadcast messaging should consult with MessagePro staff. We’ll likely help you set up a mix of local and Toll-Free numbers.

MessagePro expects these rules and parameters to change over time, and will keep customers and others informed as to the best practices for deployments.

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